The Benefits of Crib Mobiles: Soothing to Sleep and Stimulating Sensory Development


It's easy to get swept up in the excitement of setting up a nursery! We all love picking a color scheme, making a registry, and choosing out the cutest decor. Everything is just so cute, and we want it to be perfect for our new little one. 

When it comes to our baby's safety and development, though, it's important to slow down and make mindful choices. Things like cribs, mattresses, and later on, toddler-proofing require research and planning. Sometimes the seemingly smallest choices are actually really important to our children's development. For example: crib mobiles!

They're cute, they're full of personality, and they're super fun for babies. But crib mobiles also play a key role in our baby's early development and impact sleep. It might be tempting to pick one based on looks alone, but a mobile has a big impact on your infant's developmental journey.

What do Baby Mobiles for Cribs Do?

Newborns have a lot of growing to do, and that's especially true for their eyesight. At birth, babies can't see color, are sensitive to light, and prefer to focus on close, vibrant objects. The American Academy of Ophthalmology has a great, in-depth article about baby vision development, and we'll summarize it quickly here:

  • Newborn: No color vision, has periphery vision, developing central vision. After a couple weeks, they can see patterns and light/dark. 
  • 2-4 months: Follow objects with eyes, begin to reach for or bat at objects. At 3 months old, baby's eyes will start working together and stop crossing as much. At 4 months old, color vision starts developing.
  • 5-8 months: Developing depth perception, better color vision, recognize parents across room. 
  • 9-12 months: Better at seeing and judging distances.

So, a newborn crib mobile plays an integral role in vision development. You're hanging a decoration directly over their sleep space right above their head. Every time you lay them down, when they wake up, and even when they're just resting in the crib, they'll focus on the mobile.

Mainly, a mobile engages your baby's senses so they can practice their brand new visual skills. They'll focus on the dangling toys, follow the movement with their eyes, and eventually try to grasp the toys. And, it can keep baby entertained or lull them to sleep when you just need to lay them down for a moment.

A mobile is also influential to an infant's sleep. An over-stimulating one will negatively impact your baby's nighttime routine, potentially keeping them awake and making it more difficult to get them to sleep. You'll want to choose a mobile that both developmentally appropriate and not disruptive to sleep.

How to Pick the Best Crib Mobile

When you're ready to pick out a mobile, it's important to remember their function in aiding visual development. An ideal mobile for cribs will both stimulate and relax your little one. You want it to help your children flex their metaphorical eye muscles without being too stimulating.

1. Safety First

First and foremost, make sure your mobile of choice is safe for you little one. Look for safety standards and tests clearly displayed on the packaging. Also avoid anything that will shed fibers, have sharp or rough parts, too long of strings, or that dangles to close to your baby's face.

Also, remember to take the mobile down when your baby is able to grasp and pull the toys. You risk choking or strangulation hazards at this point, so it's best to remove it.

2. Choose a Calming Aesthetic

To avoid sleep issues, choose a mobile that's not overstimulating. Avoid flashing lights and noises. Sometimes a mobile with peaceful music or lullabies can be helpful, but make sure it plays at appropriate times and not too loudly. 

3. Vibrant, High-Contrast Colors

Although you don't want the mobile to be overstimulating, you also want your baby to actually see it. Remember, newborns can't see color, and they often have fuzzy vision. So, a mobile with easy to see colors, high contrast, or even in all black and white will actually grab your infant's attention.

4. Natural Movement

To avoid overstimulation, choose a baby mobile that uses small shifts in the air of crib to move. Motorized mobiles tend to move too fast or too much, and also usually have lights or noise. One that uses natural movement is better for your baby's senses and, honestly, saves you a buck to spend on more cute nursery decor!

5. Multi-use

If you want to extend the life of your mobile, choose one that can have other uses. Convert it into other nursery decor or detach the toys so your kiddo can continue playing with them. Whenever we can make a product last longer to avoid waste and keep our children's beloved toys around, we should!

Aid Visual Development and Sleep with a Baby Crib Mobile!

Crib mobiles aren't just decorative accessories! They're a great help with your baby's visual development and can even be a soothing sleep savior. Choosing an appropriate and effective model will make your nursery cute and support your baby's growth.

So get out there and choose the most engaging and soothing mobile you can find! Check out our other cute nursery decor for your wishlist, and happy shopping!

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